Are you ready to live a life by design?

As the author of this book, John achieves what he only dreamed of, by using his story to help others create a life by design. Take this journey with John and he will help you navigate your own path. 

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About the Book

Walking Away from a Government Pension

In this book, Clidy shares riveting, life-shattering stories from his days as a New Jersey State Trooper. He shares his journey in a way that is entertaining, illuminating, powerful and useful! John walked away from a 6 figure salary and lifetime government pension, three years shy of vesting. It was a calculated risk.  


Dual Career to Full Career

He spent decades working a dual career path to achieve his dream and is ready to show you how to plan your own calculated path to success.  

Words from Real Estate Legend, Mo Anderson

"John’s journey has not been a bee line toward success. He has overcome challenges and momentary setbacks along the way. He has learned that a dream career is not necessarily a precursor to happiness. In fact, as he shares in Leaving 6 Figures, sometimes one must take the road less traveled away from one career choice in order to discover true happiness down another path.  

John’s life experiences in dual careers, building passive income through investment, hard work, and the right mindset helped him to arrive at the heart of his message written on these pages: Recognize when it’s time to leave and have the courage to embrace that change. Status quo can lead to a stagnant life where growth is impossible."  

Journey to Success

Walking away from his state police pension and leaving a guaranteed 6-figure income behind was a decision that most people called crazy. John knew better. His decision was not if to leave, it was when to leave. By following his plan, John has far exceeded the financial security that he left on the table by retiring three years shy of receiving a pension for life. Leaving a job can be scary. The only thing worse is regret. Start your journey to success! 

ABOUT the Author

"If you don't make a move and change your life after reading this book, you never will! Leaving 6 figures has changed, or should I say trained, my entire mindset and how I look at life and my future. Leaving 6 Figures is a game-changer!"

- Suzanne Layser, Florida

Book John as a Speaker

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